[ { "business_product_id": "275902", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:59:16", "deleted": "1", "name": "Academie Royale de Belgique", "street": "Hertogsstraat", "house_number": "1", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "149841.69", "y": "170421.36", "lat": "50.84419078096955", "long": "4.366516375557011", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "catherine.hocquet@cfwb.be", "website": "", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "12", "theater_capacity_max": "250", "diner_capacity_max": "350", "cocktail_capacity_max": "500", "seminar_capacity_max": "120", "auditorium_capacity_max": "300", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.academieroyale.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275905", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:05", "deleted": "1", "name": "AMUZ", "street": "Kammenstraat", "house_number": "81", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "2000", "city_name": "Antwerpen", "main_city_name": "Antwerpen", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadAntwerpen", "x": "152317.7", "y": "211800.77", "lat": "51.21613433150515", "long": "4.401943427769257", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 3 292 36 80", "phone2": "+32 476 65 32 42", "phone3": "", "email": "info@amuz.be", "website": "www.inamuz.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "AMUZ is a modern complex situated in and around the baroque St. Augustine Church, located in the heart of Antwerp. With its impressive historical setting and wonderful contemporary architecture, AMUZ adds special value to all of your events, such as business dinners, product launches, receptions and cultural evenings. The 19th century Chapel of Our Lady, decorated with neo-Byzantine murals, forms the backdrop for AMUZ's unique old foyer. Not only the exquisite foyer is available for exclusive receptions and events, but also the 17th century nave of the deconsecrated St. Augustine church. AMUZ also organizes its own concert series. Check out the programme on www.amuz.be.", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "800", "number_meeting_rooms": "5", "theater_capacity_max": "400", "diner_capacity_max": "100", "cocktail_capacity_max": "350", "seminar_capacity_max": "300", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.inamuz.be/", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275908", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "ATTRACTION_OR_ANIMAL_PARK", "sub_type": "ANIMAL_PARK", "changed_time": "2017-03-09 09:45:54", "deleted": "1", "name": "AQUATOPIA", "street": "Koningin Astridplein", "house_number": "7", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "2018", "city_name": "Antwerpen", "main_city_name": "Antwerpen", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadAntwerpen", "x": "153661.77", "y": "212152.24", "lat": "51.21928622105023", "long": "4.421182375651918", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 3 205 07 50", "phone2": "+32 494 51 60 48", "phone3": "", "email": "info@aquatopia.be", "website": "www.aquatopia.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "120", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "35", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "100", "seminar_capacity_max": "20", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.aquatopia.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275297", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHEOLOGY", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:58:29", "deleted": "1", "name": "Archeologische Site van de Coudenberg", "street": "Paleizenplein", "house_number": "7", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "149566.17", "y": "170249.56", "lat": "50.84264632772835", "long": "4.362604699895716", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 70 22 04 92", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@belvue.be", "website": "www.belvue.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Through the BELvue Museum you have access to the remains of the palaces on the Coudenberg. The underground rooms accessible to the public are the oldest part of the former palace of the Dukes of Brabant, which had its heyday under Charles V. The palace burned down in 1731, in 1775 the reconstruction was ordered. The remains were levelled to the ground, but a part of it was preserved as underground structure. The visit starts at the dioramas on Charles V and Philip the Good, then continues along the old city walls to the Chapel and the circuit goes up in the direction of Isabellastraat and Magna Aula, the large hall of the palace. It is located underneath the current Koningsplein and was built by order of Philip the Good . Emperor Charles V abdicated there in 1556. To the west are the remains of the Hoogstraten Court from the beginning of the 16th century.. Finally, there is a video about the history and the garden ornaments and Venetian glass-in-lead windows of the Aula.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "120", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "70", "diner_capacity_max": "70", "cocktail_capacity_max": "200", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.belvue.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275291", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "LITERATURE", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:58:24", "deleted": "1", "name": "Archief en Museum Franstalige Literatuur", "street": "Keizerslaan", "house_number": "4", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "148906.99", "y": "170290.78", "lat": "50.84301610227388", "long": "4.353245850281585", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 519 55 84", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "aml@cfwb.be", "website": "www.aml.cfwb.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Het Archief en Museum van de Franstalige Literatuur stelt zich tot doel Belgische Franstalige brieven van 1830 tot nu te bewaren en bestuderen. Het omvat 4 afdelingen die niet alleen gewijd zijn aan de archivering en geschiedenis van Belgische brieven, maar ook de buitenlandse literatuur en poëzie, theater en audiovisuele kunsten belichten. De afdeling Franstalige Belgische brieven bevat meer dan 7000 dossiers en ongeveer 15000 boeken. Er zijn speciale fondsen gewijd aan de auteurs Verhaeren, Baillon, Henry van de Velde, de avant-gardisten... De internationale literatuur telt zo'n 75000 boeken en items. De audiovisuele afdeling bestaat uit geluids-, beeld- en audiovisueel materiaal over het literaire en theatergebeuren van Franstalig België evenals een geluidsarchief en een foto- en videotheek waar men portretten van schrijvers, opnames van theaterstukken, uitzendingen over schrijvers of artistieke stromingen bewaart.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "600", "number_meeting_rooms": "8", "theater_capacity_max": "130", "diner_capacity_max": "130", "cocktail_capacity_max": "250", "seminar_capacity_max": "70", "auditorium_capacity_max": "250", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "www.kbr.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275292", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "", "changed_time": "2015-11-20 07:36:26", "deleted": "1", "name": "Archief en Museum Franstalige Literatuur", "street": "Keizerslaan", "house_number": "4", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "148906.99", "y": "170290.78", "lat": "50.84301610227388", "long": "4.353245850281585", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 519 55 84", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "aml@cfwb.be", "website": "www.aml.cfwb.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Het Archief en Museum van de Franstalige Literatuur stelt zich tot doel Belgische Franstalige brieven van 1830 tot nu te bewaren en bestuderen. Het omvat 4 afdelingen die niet alleen gewijd zijn aan de archivering en geschiedenis van Belgische brieven, maar ook de buitenlandse literatuur en poëzie, theater en audiovisuele kunsten belichten. De afdeling Franstalige Belgische brieven bevat meer dan 7000 dossiers en ongeveer 15000 boeken. Er zijn speciale fondsen gewijd aan de auteurs Verhaeren, Baillon, Henry van de Velde, de avant-gardisten... De internationale literatuur telt zo'n 75000 boeken en items. De audiovisuele afdeling bestaat uit geluids-, beeld- en audiovisueel materiaal over het literaire en theatergebeuren van Franstalig België evenals een geluidsarchief en een foto- en videotheek waar men portretten van schrijvers, opnames van theaterstukken, uitzendingen over schrijvers of artistieke stromingen bewaart.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "600", "number_meeting_rooms": "8", "theater_capacity_max": "130", "diner_capacity_max": "130", "cocktail_capacity_max": "250", "seminar_capacity_max": "70", "auditorium_capacity_max": "250", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "www.kbr.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "210500", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHITECTURE", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:56:56", "deleted": "1", "name": "Atomium", "street": "Atomiumsquare", "house_number": "z/n", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1020", "city_name": "Laken", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "148082.92", "y": "176097.5", "lat": "50.8952218341471", "long": "4.34150320217414", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 475 47 77", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@atomium.be", "website": "www.atomium.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Since it was built for the 1958 World Exposition the Atomium has been the symbol of the 20th century and a mark of honour to progress and welfare. It represents an elementary iron crystal enlarged 165 billion times according to the centred cubic system. The spheres represent the atoms in the crystal lattice, the tubes represent the binding power between the atoms. Engineer Waterkeyn and his team built the Atomium without cranes were high enough At the top, you can enjoy the marvellous panorama. The Atomium is 102 metres high and weights 2500 tons, the longest escalator in a side tube is 35 metres and can handle up to 3000 people per hour. The authentic lift was not removed but with a speed of 5m per second it is not at all the quickest in Europe anymore.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "", "surface_exhibition_space": "180", "number_meeting_rooms": "5", "theater_capacity_max": "160", "diner_capacity_max": "150", "cocktail_capacity_max": "180", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.atomium.be/mice", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275293", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "TRANSPORT", "changed_time": "2024-04-23 08:37:03", "deleted": "0", "name": "Autoworld", "street": "Jubelpark", "house_number": "11", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "151578.63", "y": "170027.31", "lat": "50.84064617151704", "long": "4.391175683273892", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 736 41 65", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@autoworld.be", "website": "http://www.autoworld.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Autoworld invites you to discover the automotive history through a unique and outstanding collection : more than 300 vehicles, of all origins. Since 2002, part of the exposition is dedicated to tomorrows vehicles. Several concept cars have already been shown at this exposition. Most classic cars come from the Mahy collection, the most important collection of the world (950 cars). He converted the cars 'ready to be scrapped' to shiny works of art. The entire collection was set up according to themes: The Origin of the Automobile, the Belle Epoque, the Great War, the Crazy Years, the Thirties, the Second World War, the Fifties, the Golden Years in Europe,the Belgian production and collections: the Mahy collection, the Thiry Marcel collection, the Gallery Pierre D'Ieteren, the 1902 Motor Show and Auto Design Story. The restaurant offers a wonderful view of the collected cars. An average visit to the museum takes about one hour and a half.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "2700", "number_meeting_rooms": "7", "theater_capacity_max": "1200", "diner_capacity_max": "800", "cocktail_capacity_max": "2500", "seminar_capacity_max": "1200", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.autoworld.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275294", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "", "changed_time": "2015-11-20 07:36:49", "deleted": "1", "name": "Autoworld", "street": "Jubelpark", "house_number": "11", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "151578.63", "y": "170027.31", "lat": "50.84064617151704", "long": "4.391175683273892", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 736 41 65", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@autoworld.be", "website": "www.autoworld.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Autoworld invites you to discover the automotive history through a unique and outstanding collection : more than 300 vehicles, of all origins. Since 2002, part of the exposition is dedicated to tomorrows vehicles. Several concept cars have already been shown at this exposition. Most classic cars come from the Mahy collection, the most important collection of the world (950 cars). He converted the cars 'ready to be scrapped' to shiny works of art. The entire collection was set up according to themes: The Origin of the Automobile, the Belle Epoque, the Great War, the Crazy Years, the Thirties, the Second World War, the Fifties, the Golden Years in Europe,the Belgian production and collections: the Mahy collection, the Thiry Marcel collection, the Gallery Pierre D'Ieteren, the 1902 Motor Show and Auto Design Story. The restaurant offers a wonderful view of the collected cars. An average visit to the museum takes about one hour and a half.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "2700", "number_meeting_rooms": "7", "theater_capacity_max": "1200", "diner_capacity_max": "800", "cocktail_capacity_max": "2500", "seminar_capacity_max": "1200", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.autoworld.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275911", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "MEETING_LOCATION", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:11:33", "deleted": "1", "name": "B19", "street": "Van Beverlaan", "house_number": "19", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1180", "city_name": "Ukkel", "main_city_name": "Ukkel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "150986.26", "y": "163822.16", "lat": "50.7848673709668", "long": "4.382747735045014", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 359 92 40", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@chou.be", "website": "http://www.chouxdebruxelles.be/nl/zaal_b19.html", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "380", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "200", "cocktail_capacity_max": "400", "seminar_capacity_max": "250", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://chou.be/en/venue_b19.html", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275357", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "CASTLE", "changed_time": "2025-01-14 00:01:33", "deleted": "0", "name": "Belfort Brugge", "street": "Markt", "house_number": "7", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "8000", "city_name": "Brugge", "main_city_name": "Brugge", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrugge", "x": "70073.37", "y": "211509.32", "lat": "51.20799941356406", "long": "3.225078867919432", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 (0)50 44 87 43", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "musea.reservatie@brugge.be", "website": "https://www.museabrugge.be/bezoek-onze-musea/onze-musea-en-monumenten/belfort", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Those who are brimming with energy can climb the steps of the Belfry tower (no less than 83 metres high!). On your way to the top you will discover a treasury, an impressive clock mechanism and a carillon with 47 bells. ", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "", "surface_exhibition_space": "", "number_meeting_rooms": "", "theater_capacity_max": "", "diner_capacity_max": "", "cocktail_capacity_max": "", "seminar_capacity_max": "", "auditorium_capacity_max": "", "free_choice_catering": "", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.brugge.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275915", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "FOOD_DRINKS", "sub_type": "RESTAURANT", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:00", "deleted": "1", "name": "Belga Queen Gent", "street": "Graslei", "house_number": "10", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "9000", "city_name": "Gent", "main_city_name": "Gent", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadGent", "x": "104586.47", "y": "194046.7", "lat": "51.05478508583991", "long": "3.721078361761015", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 9 280 01 00", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info.gent@belgaqueen.be", "website": "www.belgaqueen.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Belga Queen Ghent is housed in a historical 13t century building alongside the beautiful ‘Graslei’. The contemporary interior sprouts from the imagination of interior designer Antoine Pinto. His respect for Belgian terroir produce have established the brasserie as a true Belgian culinary ambassador.\r\nFor private events, the entire brasserie can be privatized. For smaller private events, the 13th century old heritage rooftop with exposed wooden beams, leather armchairs, a fully stocked bar and a professional DJ-booth is the perfect location.\r\nThe menu comprises tapas-style appetizers, walking dinners, seasonal group menus and of course \"allergy menus\" with vegetarian, gluten and dairy-free options can be provided.\r\n\r\nEquipment in the lounge:\r\n- Professional DJ-booth & equipment\r\n- Fully stocked bar with cosy seating corners\r\n- Microphone\r\n- Sound amplication\r\n- Projection screen (beamer not available)", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "100", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "165", "cocktail_capacity_max": "100", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.belgaqueen.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275918", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "ATTRACTION_OR_ANIMAL_PARK", "sub_type": "THEMATIC", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:01", "deleted": "1", "name": "BELLEWAERDE PARK", "street": "Meenseweg", "house_number": "497", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "8902", "city_name": "Zillebeke", "main_city_name": "Ieper", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "westhoek", "x": "50097.92", "y": "171671.48", "lat": "50.84686505746635", "long": "2.950186536331824", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 57 46 86 86", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@bellewaerde.be", "website": "www.bellewaerde.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "1000", "number_meeting_rooms": "8", "theater_capacity_max": "1300", "diner_capacity_max": "1100", "cocktail_capacity_max": "1500", "seminar_capacity_max": "1300", "auditorium_capacity_max": "132", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.bellewaerde.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275342", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "HISTORY", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:58:55", "deleted": "1", "name": "BELvue museum", "street": "Paleizenplein", "house_number": "7", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "149566.17", "y": "170249.56", "lat": "50.84264632772835", "long": "4.362604699895716", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 70 22 04 92", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@belvue.be", "website": "www.belvue.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "The BELvue museum is the only museum that reveals the history of Belgium right in front of you. From the popular uprising in 1830 to the federal state of today: after your visit, there will be few secrets left about Belgium's past. You get the opportunity to see for yourself and examine unique historical documents, remarkable film fragments, striking photos and impressive objects. Milestones from Belgian history, such as the struggle for universal suffrage, the World Wars and the Royal Question, the Golden Sixties and the recent constitutional reforms are presented to you in an exceptional and informative manner. In order to meet the expectations of all kinds of audiences there are three reading levels. 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Nothing is so fascinating as the magical dol- phin and seal shows. To be enjoyed all year round! In the summer, the water section of the attraction park also opens its doors. While in win- ter the indoor playground and indoor skating rink are sure to charm. Be sure to check the opening hours, as they vary according to the season.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "0", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "0", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "276063", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "FOOD_DRINKS", "sub_type": "RESTAURANT", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:40", "deleted": "1", "name": "Brasserie Pakhuis", "street": "Schuurkenstraat", "house_number": "4", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "9000", "city_name": "Gent", "main_city_name": "Gent", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadGent", "x": "104617.28", "y": "193877.29", "lat": "51.05326478148621", "long": "3.72153877280605", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+3292235555", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@pakhuis.be", "website": "www.pakhuis.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Brasserie Pakhuis is located in a cosy alley with the towers of Ghent in the background. 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Brasserie Pakhuis also serves royal oyster and seafood dishes, which can be accompanied by a French classic or a glass of excellent wine from the New World.", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "120", "cocktail_capacity_max": "0", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.pakhuis.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "222668", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "SCULPTURE", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:58:10", "deleted": "1", "name": "Broelmuseum", "street": "Broelkaai", "house_number": "6", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "8500", "city_name": "Kortrijk", "main_city_name": "Kortrijk", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "leieStreek", "x": "72329.69", "y": "169511.14", 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An island?\r\n\r\nIn a mythical place on a mythical island! Chalet Robinson is certainly worth crossing the water for. Located at the green heart of the Bois de la Cambre in a uniquely calm setting, away from the buzz of the nearby city, Chalet Robinson has retained the charm of yesteryear in its use of quality and sustainable materials in its decoration.\r\n\r\nEverything is possible here in this green & pleasant land, far from the madding crowd. It's as if you were at home but with all the advantages of the facilities you need to produce a unique event. A restaurant, a huge terrace by the waterside, sunny or shady as you wish...\r\n\r\nWhat about some water sports and 'jousting' on water ? After all, we are talking about an island here !", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "400", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "170", "diner_capacity_max": "200", "cocktail_capacity_max": "500", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.chouxdebruxelles.be - www.chaletrobinson.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276079", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "CASTLE", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:59:20", "deleted": "1", "name": "Chateau De la Motte", "street": "Mettekovenstraat", "house_number": "4", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "3800", "city_name": "Groot-Gelmen", "main_city_name": "Sint-Truiden", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "haspengouw", "x": "213700.18", "y": "164143.77", "lat": "50.78426649793634", "long": "5.272049315887139", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "540", "number_meeting_rooms": "8", "theater_capacity_max": "230", "diner_capacity_max": "160", "cocktail_capacity_max": "230", "seminar_capacity_max": "160", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.chateaudelamotte.com", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275299", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "CULINARY", "changed_time": "2025-01-14 00:01:24", "deleted": "0", "name": "Choco-story Brugge", "street": "Wijnzakstraat", "house_number": "2", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "8000", "city_name": "Brugge", "main_city_name": "Brugge", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrugge", "x": "70185.00999999999", "y": "211829.46", "lat": "51.21089197322768", "long": "3.226605726684337", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "INFORMATION_AVAILABLE", "phone1": "+32 (0)50 61 22 37", "phone2": "+32 495 59 90 21", "phone3": "", "email": "info@choco-story-brugge.be", "website": "https://choco-story-brugge.be/nl/", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "With a new concept, Choco-story tingles all the senses. 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Tailored to different ages (from eight people, reserved only).", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "100", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "50", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "50", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.choco-story.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275261", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "MEETING_LOCATION", "changed_time": "2024-09-28 09:09:34", "deleted": "0", "name": "C-mine", "street": "C-mine", "house_number": "10", "box_number": "\"b2\"", "postal_code": "3600", "city_name": "Genk", "main_city_name": "Genk", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "limburgseKempen", "x": "228747.5961926734", "y": "186426.9611416617", "lat": "50.983274", "long": "5.488906", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "BASIC", "phone1": "+32 89 65 44 90", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "c-mine@genk.be", "website": "http://www.c-mine.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "2900", "number_meeting_rooms": "9", "theater_capacity_max": "250", "diner_capacity_max": "450", "cocktail_capacity_max": "1320", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "487", "free_choice_catering": "", "mice_contact_website": "www.c-mine.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276084", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:33", "deleted": "1", "name": "Concert Noble", "street": "Aarlenstraat", "house_number": "82", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1040", "city_name": "Etterbeek", "main_city_name": "Etterbeek", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "150372.01", "y": "170277.04", "lat": "50.84289327091688", "long": "4.374045683794348", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 738 75 96", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "concertnoble@edificio.be", "website": "www.concertnoble.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Located in the heart of the European district, the Concert Noble is a unique meeting point due to its historical significance and its architectural design.\r\n\r\nThe Concert Noble is one of the largest rooms in the capital. 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Always check the website before planning a trip!", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "5", "theater_capacity_max": "1289", "diner_capacity_max": "180", "cocktail_capacity_max": "1261", "seminar_capacity_max": "250", "auditorium_capacity_max": "1261", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.concertgebouw.be/business", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275322", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "SCIENCE", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:58:43", "deleted": "1", "name": "Cosmodrome", "street": "Planetariumweg", "house_number": "19", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "3600", "city_name": "Genk", "main_city_name": "Genk", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "limburgseKempen", "x": "231945", "y": "183645.49", "lat": "50.95726601109206", "long": "5.535076505743215", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "INFORMATION_AVAILABLE", "phone1": "+32 89 65 55 55", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "cosmodrome@genk.be", "website": "www.cosmodrome.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "200", "number_meeting_rooms": "5", "theater_capacity_max": "220", "diner_capacity_max": "65", "cocktail_capacity_max": "200", "seminar_capacity_max": "220", "auditorium_capacity_max": "220", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.cosmodrome.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "276088", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "MEETING_LOCATION", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:11:57", "deleted": "1", "name": "CULTUURKAPEL ST-VINCENT", "street": "Sint-Antoniuskaai", "house_number": "10", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "9000", "city_name": "Gent", "main_city_name": "Gent", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadGent", "x": "104303.72", "y": "194596.89", "lat": "51.05970817732335", "long": "3.716977220463831", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+ 32 9 266 99 86", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "cultuurkapel@ocmwgent.be", "website": "www.cultuurkapel.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "150", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "150", "diner_capacity_max": "100", "cocktail_capacity_max": "200", "seminar_capacity_max": "100", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.cultuurkapel.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276092", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:36", "deleted": "1", "name": "De Kelders – Les Caves", "street": "Ropsy Chaudronstraat", "house_number": "24", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1070", "city_name": "Anderlecht", "main_city_name": "Anderlecht", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "147154.06", "y": "170348.82", "lat": "50.84353217628508", "long": "4.328357921227997", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 521 54 19", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "paul.thielemans@abattoir.be", "website": "www.abattoir.be/nl/kelders", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "The Cellars are one of the most original event locations in Brussels. 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Not only does it provide quiet, comfortable accommodation in the heart of the metropolis, but it also has all the facilities required for congresses, meetings and corporate events.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "45", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "", "surface_exhibition_space": "", "number_meeting_rooms": "", "theater_capacity_max": "1104", "diner_capacity_max": "", "cocktail_capacity_max": "", "seminar_capacity_max": "", "auditorium_capacity_max": "", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.elzenveld.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276113", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ART_GALLERY", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:56", "deleted": "1", "name": "Espace Gabriel Brachot", "street": "Louizalaan", "house_number": "74", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1050", "city_name": "Elsene", "main_city_name": "Elsene", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "149121.03", "y": "169360.57", "lat": "50.8346545176169", "long": "4.356286708627438", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "140", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "45", "diner_capacity_max": "40", "cocktail_capacity_max": "80", "seminar_capacity_max": "35", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.galeriegabrielbrachot.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275558", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "MEETING_LOCATION", "changed_time": "2025-01-03 11:04:04", "deleted": "0", "name": "Faculty Club", "street": "Groot Begijnhof", "house_number": "14", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "3000", "city_name": "Leuven", "main_city_name": "Leuven", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadLeuven", "x": "173082.59", "y": "173485.15", "lat": "50.87127013507337", "long": "4.69668163328428", "green_key_labeled": "1", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 16 32 95 00", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@facultyclub.be", "website": "https://www.facultyclub.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Do you and your party want to have a meeting in the very best circumstances and with all modern comforts? Or would you simply like to treat your guests to a delightful culinary experience? Perhaps, you might even seek to combine both? Then the age-old historic setting of the Faculty Club provides a fitting, contemporary solution. Hostess Tine Verhelst, manager of the Faculty Club, is proud to welcome her guests to the beautifully restored buildings of the Grand Beguinage, offering every modern convenience to meet the needs of even the most demanding visitor. The site has been recognised as UNESCO world heritage since 2000.\r\n\r\nFaculty Club offers:\r\n•a professional conference- and meetingservice\r\n•a restaurant \"à la carte\"\r\n•a perfect organisation of your banquets and receptions\r\n\r\nLeuven‘s historical and vibrant town centre is only a short walk away.\r\n\r\nWe welcome you to this unique location!", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "60", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "200", "number_meeting_rooms": "16", "theater_capacity_max": "260", "diner_capacity_max": "200", "cocktail_capacity_max": "400", "seminar_capacity_max": "45", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.facultyclub.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276120", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "BREWERY", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:59:21", "deleted": "1", "name": "Feestzaal 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Napoleon fears an attack from England to the harbour of Ostend and therefore orders the construction of an imposing fortress in the dunes in 1811. A British attack never happens however: the fortress only serves as an arms depot and as a residence for the French army. After the fall of Napoleon in 1814 it falls prey to theft and vandalism. In both world wars the fortress again serves a purpose as an artillery unit for the German army. 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How did our ancestors live? What did Romans and Gauls wear? How were the Franks buried?\" The museum provides an answer to this and lots more fascinating question and all this in a specific and architectural framework where present and past are closely intertwined. The many archaeology objects in the collection provide an overview of prehistoric times up to the Merovingian period in our regions. But the museum also wants to make a clear statement that history never stands still and also continues in the present. 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Six sections tell this amazing history, you also receive a short explanation about the most recent archaeology finds. The Castle of the Counts includes the Weapon Museum and the Museum of Instruments of Torture. The splendid historic weapon collection of the city of Ghent consists mainly of the Request of the 19th century industrial Adolphe Neyt. It is considered one of the finest collections of Flanders. The Museum of Instruments of Torture (1922), was expanded considerably in 1935 with a collection of instruments of coercion from the now vanished Central Prison (Rasphuis) on the Coupure. The collection is divided into 4 main sections: imprisonment, the insane, torture and interrogation and execution and punishment.", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "99", "cocktail_capacity_max": "99", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.circagent.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "276134", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "BREWERY", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:39", "deleted": "1", "name": "Graanstokerij Filliers", "street": "Leernsesteenweg", "house_number": "3", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "9800", "city_name": "Deinze", "main_city_name": "Deinze", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "leieStreek", "x": "92136.07545594619", "y": "186938.3836394753", "lat": "50.99033", "long": "3.543355", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 9 386 12 64", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@filliers.be", "website": "www.filliers.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Karel Lodewijk Filliers was an excellent businessman. It was no coincidence that he settled in a farm in Bachte-Maria-Leerne, in the East Flanders region of Deinze.\r\nIt offered him sufficient land to grow grains and was close enough to the River Lys from which he could take water. And his resourcefulness knew no bounds. In 1880 he set up a grain still in his farm so that he could spend the winter distilling the grain that he had grown in the summer and produce jenever.\r\n\r\nBut Karel Lodewijk was not easily satisfied. He patiently refined his recipe until a wonderful, traditional jenever of the highest quality emerged from his still. A premium spirit, even though this description did not yet exist.\r\n\r\nAnd the current ultra-modern Filliers Distillery stands on the exact same spot as the original company. This is our way of paying tribute to our founder Karel Lodewijk.\r\n\r\nThe location fits in perfectly with our vision: to make authentic jenevers that are as pure as the nature around us.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "50", "number_meeting_rooms": "5", "theater_capacity_max": "100", "diner_capacity_max": "80", "cocktail_capacity_max": "125", "seminar_capacity_max": "80", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.filliers.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276091", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:34", "deleted": "1", "name": "Grand Café De Hoorn", "street": "Sluisstraat", "house_number": "79", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "3000", "city_name": "Leuven", "main_city_name": "Leuven", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadLeuven", "x": "173298.34", "y": "175259.45", "lat": "50.88721082746817", "long": "4.699859418468495", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 0493 49 67 86", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "events@dehoorn.eu", "website": "https://www.dehoorn.eu", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Brewery De Hoorn is the birthplace of Stella Artois; this world famous beer was brewed here for the first time in 1926. The historical, listed building near the centre of Leuven still look fantastic with it's monumental brewing hall and unique construction. After years of inactivity and a complete renovation the building became home to an event location. The multifunctional rooms that form the centre of De Hoorn have retained their individuality and present the perfect and original location for private and company parties, seminars, workshops, cocktail parties, dinners, presentations and more.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "4", "theater_capacity_max": "150", "diner_capacity_max": "200", "cocktail_capacity_max": "250", "seminar_capacity_max": "80", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.dehoorn.eu", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275324", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHEOLOGY", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:58:45", "deleted": "1", "name": "Hallepoort", "street": "Zuidlaan", "house_number": "z/n", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "148066.6", "y": "169808.29", "lat": "50.8386851908677", "long": "4.34130356875148", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 534 15 18", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@kmkg-mrah.be", "website": "https://www.kmkg-mrah.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "The Halle tower was built in 1831 as part of the old ramparts surrounding Brussels. It is the only gate that is still standing. In 1564 the military function of the building was discontinued and it consecutively became a cornloft, a temple for Lutheran worship, a jail and an archive. In 1847 the Halle tower became one of Europe's first museums. It became a place for civilians to get acquainted with the works of local craftsmen, but also with objects brought back from distant regions and which evoked 'strange' ways of life. A 19th-century intervention gave the building a completely new look: the medieval tower building became a neo-Gothic castle.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "300", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "100", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "100", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.kmkg-mrah.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "276142", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "MEETING_LOCATION", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:12:04", "deleted": "1", "name": "hangar58", "street": "Herkenrodeplein", "house_number": "5", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "3600", "city_name": "Genk", "main_city_name": "Genk", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "limburgseKempen", "x": "222388.96", "y": "183633.06", "lat": "50.95842632041854", "long": "5.399083203503575", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 11 230858", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "Info@hangar58.be", "website": "www.hangar58.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "1500", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "1200", "diner_capacity_max": "900", "cocktail_capacity_max": "1500", "seminar_capacity_max": "700", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.hangar58.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276143", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "FOOD_DRINKS", "sub_type": "RESTAURANT", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 18:00:02", "deleted": "1", "name": "Hard Rock Café Brussels", "street": "Grote Markt", "house_number": "12", "box_number": "a", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "148867.64", "y": "170639.96", "lat": "50.8461635126501", "long": "4.35267335706707", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32(0)2 546 16 60", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "brussels_sales@hardrock.com", "website": "www.hardrock.com/brussels", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "500", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "35", "diner_capacity_max": "80", "cocktail_capacity_max": "70", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.hardrock.com/brussels", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275319", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHEOLOGY", "changed_time": "2024-04-23 08:26:03", "deleted": "0", "name": "Herisemmolen", "street": "Fabriekstraat", "house_number": "20", "box_number": "1", "postal_code": "1652", "city_name": "Alsemberg", "main_city_name": "Beersel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "groeneGordel", "x": "146424.96", "y": "158130.16", "lat": "50.73368992038623", "long": "4.318121631694882", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 306 57 24", "phone2": "+32 473 38 32 30", "phone3": "", "email": "myriam@herisem.be", "website": "https://www.herisem.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "The museum is housed in a 19th century cardbord factory that originated from a 16th century paper mill. Today, the Herisem mill is an educational museum about paper, cardboard and drive technology. After years of being inactive, the 19th century board machines are once again being driven by water wheels and a restored steam engine to create a real-life experience of an old mill/cardboard factory. This is an historic industrial site where visitors can learn about the art of papermaking. Part of the former forge has been converted into an inviting tavern restaurant.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "80", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "60", "diner_capacity_max": "60", "cocktail_capacity_max": "100", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.herisem.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275365", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "", "changed_time": "2024-06-28 08:31:09", "deleted": "0", "name": "Hof te Rhode", "street": "Rodestraat", "house_number": "7", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "3290", "city_name": "Schaffen", "main_city_name": "Diest", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "hageland", "x": "198281.42", "y": "188854.93", "lat": "51.00787306715382", "long": "5.056673704068469", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 13 33 36 09", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@hofterhode.be", "website": "http://www.hofterhode.be", "facebook": "pages/Hof-te-Rhode/157904350916744?ref=hl", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "450", "number_meeting_rooms": "4", "theater_capacity_max": "250", "diner_capacity_max": "220", "cocktail_capacity_max": "350", "seminar_capacity_max": "150", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.hofterhode.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275388", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:09:40", "deleted": "1", "name": "Hostel Sport Gent - Shapo Roeiclub", "street": "Kanodreef", "house_number": "1", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "9000", "city_name": "Gent", "main_city_name": "Gent", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadGent", "x": "103394.54", "y": "193247.07", "lat": "51.04750325217021", "long": "3.704181726641758", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 486 94 69 48", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "hostel@krsg.be", "website": "http://www.krsg.be/new/index.php/sport-gent-hostel", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "125", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "140", "cocktail_capacity_max": "240", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.shapo.info", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276158", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:59:23", "deleted": "1", "name": "Hotel Max Hallet", "street": "Louizalaan", "house_number": "346", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1050", "city_name": "Elsene", "main_city_name": "Elsene", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "149121.03", "y": "169360.57", "lat": "50.8346545176169", "long": "4.356286708627438", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "180", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "70", "diner_capacity_max": "40", "cocktail_capacity_max": "80", "seminar_capacity_max": "50", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.events-at-horta.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "276159", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:40", "deleted": "1", "name": "Hotel Wielemans", "street": "Defacqzstraat", "house_number": "14", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "149552.5739711777", "y": "168629.0307773491", "lat": "50.828632", "long": "4.361136", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 738 75 96", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "hotelwielemans@edificio.be", "website": "www.edificio.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Hotel Wielemans is a charming, picturesque venue that delights guests with its Hispano-Moresque design. This particular hotel from the Art Deco period (1925) is a prestigious setting in which to host events such as cocktail buffets, meetings and dinners.\r\nThis charming setting will give an extra special touch to your event.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "400", "number_meeting_rooms": "6", "theater_capacity_max": "40", "diner_capacity_max": "40", "cocktail_capacity_max": "70", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.edificio.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275383", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "", "changed_time": "2021-06-22 08:24:10", "deleted": "1", "name": "Huis Happaert", "street": "Happaertstraat", "house_number": "25", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "2000", "city_name": "Antwerpen", "main_city_name": "Antwerpen", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadAntwerpen", "x": "152298.22", "y": "211720.2", "lat": "51.21541023757513", "long": "4.401664113995259", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 3 226 66 35", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@huishappaert.com", "website": "www.huishappaert.com", "facebook": "het.Huis.Happaert", "twitter": "huishappaert", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "50", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "70", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "50", "seminar_capacity_max": "40", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.huishappaert.com/", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276163", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "BREWERY", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:41", "deleted": "1", "name": "Huisbrouwerij 't Pakhuis", "street": "Vlaamsekaai", "house_number": "76", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "2000", "city_name": "Antwerpen", "main_city_name": "Antwerpen", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadAntwerpen", "x": "151344.87", "y": "210815", "lat": "51.20727731096905", "long": "4.388017118844836", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 3 238 12 40", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@pakhuis.info", "website": "www.pakhuis.info", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "… the first, and still the only “genuine” home brewery in Antwerp. 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Allow your employees, clients or business relations to enjoy this unique environment.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "80", "number_meeting_rooms": "5", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "70", "seminar_capacity_max": "66", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.kasteelterham.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "276025", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "CASTLE", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:59:18", "deleted": "1", "name": "Kasteel Van Brasschaet", "street": "Gemeentepark", "house_number": "5", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "2930", "city_name": "Brasschaat", "main_city_name": "Brasschaat", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "antwerpseKempen", "x": "159000.58", "y": "219863.94", "lat": "51.28853955534367", "long": "4.497786138647435", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 03 653 06 06", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@kasteelvb.be", "website": "www.kasteelvanbrasschaat.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "450", "number_meeting_rooms": "7", "theater_capacity_max": "450", "diner_capacity_max": "350", "cocktail_capacity_max": "600", "seminar_capacity_max": "180", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.kasteelvb.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "276044", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHEOLOGY", "changed_time": "2025-01-13 23:59:59", "deleted": "0", "name": "Kasteel van Gaasbeek", "street": "KASTEELSTRAAT", "house_number": "40", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1750", "city_name": "Lennik", "main_city_name": "Lennik", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "groeneGordel", "x": "138397.2031864552", "y": "165501.7670933977", "lat": "50.799861908", "long": "4.2041640282", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 531 01 30", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "tess.thibaut@vlaanderen.be", "website": "http://www.kasteelvangaasbeek.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "The exhibition inquires the way in which modern artists handled Bruegel artistic legacy in the period between and after the wars. Hence we focus on the following artists: James Ensor, Valerius De Saedeleer, Jules De Bruycker, Gustave Van de Woestyne, Jean Brusselmans, Constant Permeke, Anto Carte, Otto Dix and George Grosz. \n At the same time, the exhibition pulls out various contemporary stops, with art, performance and music. Ten contemporary artists have been invited to delve into the themes from Bruegel’s work. Included artists are Pascale Marthine Tayou, Honoré d’O, Emanuelle Quertain , Gilberto Zorio, Grazia Todori, Anetta Mona, Chisa & Lucia Tkácová, Christoph Fink, Daniel Buren, Jimmie Durham, to name a few. \nFeast of Fools. Bruegel Rediscovered offers the visitor a total experience with various, mutually reinforcing aspects. The exhibition is being mounted in an ancient castle whose view over the landscape was shaped in the wake of the romantic period and whose collection contains many objects from Bruegel's time, located in a park of c. 50 hectares, with a museum garden which provides an overview of forgotten vegetables, fruit and pruning techniques.\nGaasbeek castle is only a short distance away from the art walk, starting in St. Anna Pede\n", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "120", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "70", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "60", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "", "mice_contact_website": "www.kasteelvangaasbeek.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "276046", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "CASTLE", "changed_time": 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Under the watchful eye of Michel Verdoodt, Restaurant Manager, and his team, comme enjoy innovative yet authentic cuisine brilliantly masterminded by Donald Loriaux, 4th at The Bocuse d'Or 2003.To accompany your meal, the Maison du Cygne has an impressive cellar of over 20,000 bottles including some of the finest wines available.", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "5", "theater_capacity_max": "50", "diner_capacity_max": "72", "cocktail_capacity_max": "120", "seminar_capacity_max": "40", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.lamaisonducygne.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "276027", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "FOOD_DRINKS", "sub_type": "RESTAURANT", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:30", "deleted": "1", "name": "La Quincaillerie", "street": "Edelknaapstraat", "house_number": "45", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1050", "city_name": "Elsene", "main_city_name": "Elsene", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "149253.39", "y": "168041.39", "lat": "50.82279617618513", "long": "4.358167926274184", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "260", "cocktail_capacity_max": "350", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.quincaillerie.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "276030", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "MEETING_LOCATION", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:11:52", "deleted": "1", "name": "L'Arsenal", "street": "Waversesteenweg", "house_number": "950", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1040", "city_name": "Etterbeek", "main_city_name": "Etterbeek", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "152616.5", "y": "168809.48", "lat": "50.8297033", "long": "4.4058908", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 359 92 40", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@chou.be", "website": "http://chou.be/en/venue_arsenal.html", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "700", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "300", "diner_capacity_max": "350", "cocktail_capacity_max": "500", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://chou.be/fr/espace_arsenal.html", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275301", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "FURNITURE_AND_INTERIOR", "changed_time": "2024-04-24 12:47:03", "deleted": "0", "name": "Living Tomorrow", "street": "Indringingsweg", "house_number": "1", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1800", "city_name": "Vilvoorde", "main_city_name": "Vilvoorde", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "groeneGordel", "x": "151218.65", "y": "177648.78", "lat": "50.90915788811714", "long": "4.386092181769474", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "INFORMATION_AVAILABLE", "phone1": "+32 2 263 01 33", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@livingtomorrow.com", "website": "https://www.livingtomorrow.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Visiting Living Tomorrow is a glimpse into the future. 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The sometimes strange works of art with clear visual language appeal to young and old alike. The Magritte Museum aims to offer each family member a bespoke visitor experience and approaches the mysterious, absurd and unexpected in an original way. Audio guides are available in five languages, also ones specially created for children aged 6 to 11 and teenagers aged 12 to 18. 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A historic quarter?\r\n\r\nMaison de la Bellone is located at the heart of the historic-turned-trendy quarter near the Place Ste-Catherine and rue Antoine Dansaert.\r\n\r\nAccess is through a passageway into the main courtyard which is covered by a glass roof. It houses and protects a superb baroque facade from the 17th century which is of course a listed building. It's mind blowing ! Aesthetic architecture from a past age subtly combined with modern technology create an exceptional venue.\r\n\r\nMaison de la Bellone is a place with atmosphere which makes networking easy. There are rooms available for meetings, events, exhibitions, debates, shows, performances, presentations...", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "200", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "200", "diner_capacity_max": "150", "cocktail_capacity_max": "200", "seminar_capacity_max": "150", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://chou.be/en/venue_maisondelabellone.html", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275929", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:10", "deleted": "1", "name": "Maison Grand Place", "street": "Grote Markt", "house_number": "19", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "148875.18", "y": "170718.97", "lat": "50.84686515805727", "long": "4.352793019846626", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 359 92 40", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@chou.be", "website": "http://chou.be/fr/espace_maisongrandplace.html", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "So why not choose... The most beautiful square of the world ?\r\n\r\nThis elegant classical house, as its name implies, is situated right on Brussels Grand'Place. It's a historic city mansion, a listed building and the only one on the square to open its doors for events.\r\n\r\nMaison Grand-Place offers a variety of reception areas over two floors. A must: the room with a view overlooking this most beautiful of squares. It's the best way to experience all the festivities which are organised there : the historic Ommegang Parade, the Festival of Winter Wonders celebrating Christmas, new year and many more.\r\n\r\nIt's the ideal place to host your top contacts, organise an exclusive cocktail or a private party in a unique setting at the historic heart of Brussels.", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "350", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "140", "diner_capacity_max": "150", "cocktail_capacity_max": "200", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://chou.be/en/venue_maisongrandplace.html", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275930", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "MEETING_LOCATION", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:11:36", "deleted": "1", "name": "Martinus Meeting Centre", "street": "Sint-Martinusstraat", "house_number": "6", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "3870", "city_name": "Heers", "main_city_name": "Heers", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "haspengouw", "x": "220891.46", "y": "161803.84", "lat": "50.7624018875833", "long": "5.373562320342165", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 492 87 51 80", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@mm-center.be", "website": "www.mm-center.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "92", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "40", "diner_capacity_max": "20", "cocktail_capacity_max": "50", "seminar_capacity_max": "25", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.mm-center.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275932", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "FOOD_DRINKS", "sub_type": "RESTAURANT", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:04", "deleted": "1", "name": "Midi Station", "street": "Victor Hortaplein", "house_number": "26", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1060", "city_name": "Sint-Gillis", "main_city_name": "Sint-Gillis", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "147586.54", "y": "169584.66", "lat": "50.83666482218037", "long": "4.334503009857925", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 526 88 00", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@southstation.be", "website": "www.midistation.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Why not in … Belgium’s biggest brasserie?\r\n\r\nMidi Station – situated next to Brussels South train station, within a stone’s throw from the heart of Brussels – is intimate and grand at the same time. The interior, by the hand of Belgo-Portugese designer and restaurateur Antoine Pinto, is top-class modern Baroque. It’s the scenery for a quick business lunch during the day or a more gastronomical event in the evening.\r\n\r\nThis unique 2000m² location is also a trendy bar where the fairy-like lightening reflects in your cocktail, it’s a luxurious cigar lounge with adjacent pool room, bathing in a jazzy atmosphere and a hangout for urban globetrotters. That is why Midi Station is also called “the most cosmo event brasserie in Brussels”.", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "2000", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "40", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "0", "seminar_capacity_max": "32", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.midistation.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275303", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHITECTURE", "changed_time": "2024-04-23 09:31:03", "deleted": "0", "name": "Mini-Europe", "street": "VOETBALLAAN", "house_number": "1", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1020", "city_name": "Laken", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "147862.4207700056", "y": "175882.9153770898", "lat": "50.893835", "long": "4.337105", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 474 13 13", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@minieurope.eu", "website": "https://www.minieurope.com/nl/", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "At the foot of the Atomium you will find Mini-Europe, the only park where you travel through Europe in just a couple of hours. A unique journey! Stroll through the typical atmosphere of the most beautiful cities on the old continent. Big Ben and its typical tune welcome you to the heart of London. Gondolas and mandolines let you discover the charms of Venice. Follow the TGV from Paris to the other - remote - corner of France. Start the animations yourself: let the Vesuvius erupt, break down the Berlin wall, beat the bull in the Arena of Seville and so many others... In total 300 monuments and places of unequalled quality.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "4", "theater_capacity_max": "120", "diner_capacity_max": "200", "cocktail_capacity_max": "350", "seminar_capacity_max": "70", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.minieurope.eu", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275305", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2025-01-14 00:01:27", "deleted": "0", "name": "Mola - Provinciaal Molencentrum", "street": "Puyenbrug", "house_number": "5", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "9185", "city_name": "Wachtebeke", "main_city_name": "Wachtebeke", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "waasland", "x": "114833", "y": "204448.25", "lat": "51.14898874094074", "long": "3.866208640778891", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "09 342 42 40", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "mola@oost-vlaanderen.be", "website": "https://www.molamolencentrum.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "1500", "number_meeting_rooms": "5", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "1000", "cocktail_capacity_max": "1500", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.puyenbroeck.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275935", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "LIBRARY", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:11", "deleted": "1", "name": "Muntpunt", "street": "Munt", "house_number": "6", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "148921.19", "y": "171068.79", "lat": "50.85000985816819", "long": "4.353445368235003", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 278 11 11", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "zakelijk@muntpunt.be", "website": "http://www.muntpunt.be/muntpunt/zalen-en-faciliteiten#sthash.PYKC4HEj.dpuf", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "7", "theater_capacity_max": "80", "diner_capacity_max": "120", "cocktail_capacity_max": "250", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "50", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.muntpunt.be/muntpunt/zalen-en-faciliteiten", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275402", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHEOLOGY", "changed_time": "2025-01-14 00:01:35", "deleted": "0", "name": "Museum Dr. Guislain", "street": "Jozef Guislainstraat", "house_number": "43", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "9000", "city_name": "Gent", "main_city_name": "Gent", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadGent", "x": "103446.43", "y": "195354.14", "lat": "51.06644641831113", "long": "3.704653418736407", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "INFORMATION_AVAILABLE", "phone1": "+32 (0)9 398 69 50", "phone2": "+32 (0)477 48 56 82", "phone3": "", "email": "info@museumdrguislain.be", "website": "https://www.museumdrguislain.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Museum Dr. Guislain aims to use its unique past and setting, where the first psychiatric institution in Belgium was founded, to conduct a debate on “what is normal, what is abnormal and how a society deals with this” in a multifaceted and contemporary manner. The permanent collection of the Museum Dr. Guislain consists of three components. The first component is the history of psychiatry, the second is the photographic collection with photographs from 1860 to the present day, and the third is the collection of outsider art. This has evolved from a modest collection with work by people with a psychological disorder into a highly extensive collection with works by artists that each approach art from a “different” perspective.\nThere are also guided tours for people with dementia.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "", "surface_exhibition_space": "", "number_meeting_rooms": "", "theater_capacity_max": "", "diner_capacity_max": "", "cocktail_capacity_max": "", "seminar_capacity_max": "", "auditorium_capacity_max": "", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.vormingscentrumguislain.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275340", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "SCULPTURE", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:58:54", "deleted": "1", "name": "Museum Kasteel van Gaasbeek", "street": "Kasteelstraat", "house_number": "40", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1750", "city_name": "Gaasbeek", "main_city_name": "Lennik", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "groeneGordel", "x": "137899.76", "y": "165144.23", "lat": "50.79662912364045", "long": "4.197136912869569", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "INFORMATION_AVAILABLE", "phone1": "+32 2 531 01 30", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "kasteelvangaasbeek@vlaanderen.be", "website": "www.kasteelvangaasbeek.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "The castle itself is a listed monument, originally from the 13th century. It has been destroyed and reconstructed several times throughout the centuries and has been owned by several historic families (Hoorn, Egmont) until the last owner, the marquise of Arconati-Visconti, donated it to the community. Decorated as a renaissance house, it contains a wealth and diversity of works of art: utensils, tapestry from Doornik and Brussels from the 16th and 17th century (Flemish Renaissance), a wonderful collection of books, weapons, Mechelen alabaster and lots of pieces in silver, copper, tin and ceramics. The uniqueness of this castle museum is that the 16 rooms have remained as if the former inhabitants could arrive at any time: they are complete and faithful interiors. Especially in the kitchen the impression is really strong. The castle lies in a nice park with some interesting annexes such as a baroque chapel (1625), a triumphal arch for Napoleon (1805) and a nice terrace chapel (1625).", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "60", "diner_capacity_max": "60", "cocktail_capacity_max": "60", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "www.kasteelvangaasbeek.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275341", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "", "changed_time": "2016-02-11 07:46:07", "deleted": "1", "name": "Museum Kasteel van Gaasbeek", "street": "Kasteelstraat", "house_number": "40", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1750", "city_name": "Gaasbeek", "main_city_name": "Lennik", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "groeneGordel", "x": "137899.76", "y": "165144.23", "lat": "50.79662912364045", "long": "4.197136912869569", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 531 01 30", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "kasteelvangaasbeek@vlaanderen.be", "website": "www.kasteelvangaasbeek.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "The castle itself is a listed monument, originally from the 13th century. It has been destroyed and reconstructed several times throughout the centuries and has been owned by several historic families (Hoorn, Egmont) until the last owner, the marquise of Arconati-Visconti, donated it to the community. Decorated as a renaissance house, it contains a wealth and diversity of works of art: utensils, tapestry from Doornik and Brussels from the 16th and 17th century (Flemish Renaissance), a wonderful collection of books, weapons, Mechelen alabaster and lots of pieces in silver, copper, tin and ceramics. The uniqueness of this castle museum is that the 16 rooms have remained as if the former inhabitants could arrive at any time: they are complete and faithful interiors. Especially in the kitchen the impression is really strong. The castle lies in a nice park with some interesting annexes such as a baroque chapel (1625), a triumphal arch for Napoleon (1805) and a nice terrace chapel (1625).", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "60", "diner_capacity_max": "60", "cocktail_capacity_max": "60", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "www.kasteelvangaasbeek.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275321", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "VISITOR_CENTRE", "changed_time": "2015-11-20 07:37:43", "deleted": "1", "name": "Museum Papiermolen Herisem", "street": "Fabriekstraat", "house_number": "20", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1652", "city_name": "Alsemberg", "main_city_name": "Beersel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "groeneGordel", "x": "146424.96", "y": "158130.16", "lat": "50.73368992038623", "long": "4.318121631694882", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 381 07 70", "phone2": "+32 473 38 32 30", "phone3": "", "email": "info@herisem.be", "website": "www.herisem.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "80", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "60", "diner_capacity_max": "60", "cocktail_capacity_max": "100", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.herisem.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275338", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "SCULPTURE", "changed_time": "2024-04-02 13:08:02", "deleted": "0", "name": "Museum Schone Kunsten Gent - MSK", "street": "Fernand Scribedreef", "house_number": "1", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "9000", "city_name": "Gent", "main_city_name": "Gent", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadGent", "x": "104792.84", "y": "192175.57", "lat": "51.03798279888266", "long": "3.724252653389562", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 (0)9 323 67 00", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "museum.msk@stad.gent", "website": "https://www.mskgent.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "The Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSKG) is the oldest art museum in Belgium. It was created in 1798. Since May 2007 the MSKG has recovered its original splendour. For the first time since 1950 the visitors can discover its entire collection, spread over forty rooms. The collection gives a rich image of Flemish art from the Middle Ages to the first half of the 20th century, mainly in the context of Ghent. Among the old masterpieces are two works by Hieronymus Bosch. The main body of the collection however is a large number of works from the 19th and 20th centuries. Via an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures and drawings, visitors are introduced to the 19th-century art movements of Realism, Romanticism, Impressionism, Symbolism and Expressionism, and to the Surrealism of the 20th century. The on line collection database on www.vlaamsekunstcollectie.be, allows you to browse the entire collection paintings and a representative selection sculptures and drawings.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "0", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "120", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275334", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "POTTERY_AND_CERAMICS_AND_PORCELAIN", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:58:50", "deleted": "1", "name": "Museum voor Japanse Kunst (KMKG)", "street": "Van Praetlaan", "house_number": "44", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1020", "city_name": "Laken", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "150476.5", "y": "171609.33", "lat": "50.85486946756131", "long": "4.375531242458198", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 268 16 08", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "ecd@kmkg-mrah.be", "website": "www.kmkg-mrah.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "0", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "0", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275336", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "FAUNA_AND_FLORA", "changed_time": "2024-04-23 09:52:04", "deleted": "0", "name": "Museum voor Natuurwetenschappen", "street": "Vautierstraat", "house_number": "29", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "150490.54", "y": "169599.93", "lat": "50.83680643781305", "long": "4.375727460610442", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 627 42 11", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@natuurwetenschappen.be", "website": "https://www.natuurwetenschappen.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Top museum for families with children, good for hours of wonderment about man, animals and the earth. Not to be missed: the huge dinosaur skeletons, taking part in excavations or plunging into the world of insects or the deep sea. Popular with children: the BiodiversiTour. Along this route you immerse yourself in the world of biodiversity. Can you find the six letters of the mystery? Then a nice surprise awaits you.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "200", "number_meeting_rooms": "12", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "200", "cocktail_capacity_max": "300", "seminar_capacity_max": "60", "auditorium_capacity_max": "150", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.naturalsciences.be/b2b/events/index_html", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275315", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHITECTURE", "changed_time": "2020-09-23 07:37:02", "deleted": "1", "name": "Openluchtmuseum Bokrijk", "street": "Bokrijklaan", "house_number": "1", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "3600", "city_name": "Genk", "main_city_name": "Genk", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "limburgseKempen", "x": "223105.56", "y": "184320.35", "lat": "50.96451379607537", "long": "5.409418537492447", "green_key_labeled": "1", "accessibility_label": "INFORMATION_AVAILABLE", "phone1": "+32 11 26 53 00", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "infobokrijk@limburg.be", "website": "http://www.bokrijk.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Are you interested to discover how our customs and traditions came into being? And how the past inspires our future? You will discover all of this at the Bokrijk Open-Air Museum. From 1 April onwards, you can let yourself be immersed in the history of today’s, yesterday’s and tomorrow’s craftsmanship. Discover the authentic production process from grain to bread, and learn more about the rituals associated with this. Starting in May, bread specialists Kobe Desramaults and Sarah Lemke will be baking artisanal bread with locally-grown grain in the wood-fired oven of De Superette Bokrijk.\n\nWould you like to try your hand at making something yourself? Visitors can set to work in the workshop sheds with bread dough, clay, leather or wood. Not only will you learn all the tricks of the trade, you will return home with a hand-made souvenir!\n\nOr step back in time in The Sixties expo with interiors typical of the era. Iconic record covers, film clips from TV shows and festivals, as well as unique collection pieces will whisk you back in time where you will experience and relive life in the swinging 60s.\n\nThe Open-Air Museum is located in a 55-hectare park, a paradise for hikers and cyclists. Visit the arboretum or explore the De Wijers lake area cycling through the water. Your children or grandchildren will be able to play to their heart’s content in the big outdoor playground (free of charge).\n\n", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "120", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "240", "seminar_capacity_max": "60", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.bokrijk.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275940", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:12", "deleted": "1", "name": "Oude Mechelse Vleeshalle", "street": "Huidevettersstraat", "house_number": "7", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "2800", "city_name": "Mechelen", "main_city_name": "Mechelen", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadMechelen", "x": "158101.43", "y": "190718.52", "lat": "51.02658446981272", "long": "4.484241299661127", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 (0)15 20 38 70", "phone2": "+32 (0)476 24 56 47", "phone3": "", "email": "info@oudemechelsevleeshalle.be", "website": "www.oudemechelsevleeshalle.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Historical event location", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "600", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "400", "diner_capacity_max": "300", "cocktail_capacity_max": "400", "seminar_capacity_max": "350", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.oudemechelsevleeshalle.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275943", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:14", "deleted": "1", "name": "Paleis op de Meir", "street": "Meir", "house_number": "50", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "2000", "city_name": "Antwerpen", "main_city_name": "Antwerpen", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadAntwerpen", "x": "152775.24", "y": "211964.78", "lat": "51.21760638674382", "long": "4.408492690126883", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 3 206 21 21", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@paleisopdemeir.be", "website": "www.paleisopdemeir.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Centrally on the Antwerp Meir you can find a genuine palace. The originally 18th century building used to be a thingummy of important rulers such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Willem I of the Netherlands and the Belgian Royal House. Nowadays one can enjoy a historical visit, a luxurious lunch and stylish pralines. Complete your visit of Antwerp and discover the Palace on the Meir.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "56", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "0", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "www.paleisopdemeir.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275945", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:59:16", "deleted": "1", "name": "Paterspand Minerva", "street": "Patersstraat", "house_number": "100", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "2300", "city_name": "Turnhout", "main_city_name": "Turnhout", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "antwerpseKempen", "x": "190512.92", "y": "224292.38", "lat": "51.32698186315629", "long": 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It was then owned by Jan Vandermeulen unter the name \"The Mole Brewery\" and was also a farm, an orchard, a malt-house and a café.\r\nIn the early 20th century Paul Van Cutsem, son-in-law of Franz Gerald Timmermans changed the name to \"the Timmermans Brewery\". Timmermans is still brewing using the unique spontaneous fermentation method. A member of Anthony Martin's \"Finest Beer selection\" since 1993, Timmermans retains its authenticity and \"savoir faire\" whilst enjoying membership of Martin's unique selection of \"Finest Beers\". Open to the public and groups every day ONLY ON APPOINTMENT and the 2nd Sunday of the month for individuals also only on appointment.", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "200", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "80", "diner_capacity_max": "80", "cocktail_capacity_max": "120", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.anthonymartin.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275463", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "", "changed_time": "2021-06-04 08:55:05", "deleted": "1", "name": "TOUR & TAXIS", "street": "Havenlaan", "house_number": "86", "box_number": "C", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "148843.77", "y": "173000.58", "lat": "50.86737501822579", "long": "4.352340426809186", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 420 60 69", "phone2": "+32 473 99 05 75", "phone3": "", "email": "info@tour-taxis.com", "website": "www.tour-taxis.com", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "You have undoubtedly been here for a cultural event or festival, but can you imagine that this place is more than a hundred years old?\r\nThe Sheds were built between 1903 and 1904 according to the plans drawn up by architect Van Humbeek, and cover more than 17,000 m².From the platforms alongside, where trains deposited their goods, you can admire the astonishing self-supporting metallic framework, displaying a technical prowess unique in the world. Thanks to the glazing with which it is covered, the sawtooth roof evenly spreads natural light.\r\nA genuine masterpiece of civil engineering which is today home to cultural events, shows, fairs and exhibitions", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "17410", "number_meeting_rooms": "4", "theater_capacity_max": "4000", "diner_capacity_max": "3000", "cocktail_capacity_max": "5000", "seminar_capacity_max": "4000", "auditorium_capacity_max": "3000", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275977", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:18", "deleted": "1", "name": "TOUR & TAXIS - Hôtel de la Poste", "street": "Havenlaan", "house_number": "86", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "148843.77", "y": "173000.58", "lat": "50.86737501822579", "long": "4.352340426809186", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 420 60 69", "phone2": "+32 473 99 05 75", "phone3": "", "email": "jean.vandamme@tour-taxis.com", "website": "www.tour-taxis.com", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "For years now, the Sheds situated on the site of Tour & Taxis have been one of the most successful event venues in Brussels and surroundings. 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The historic Ticket window hall is approximately 800 m2 and can take up to 600 guests.\r\nThis majestic Ticket window hall can be used for several purposes, like meetings, product presentations, parties, concerts, weddings etc.\r\nNext to the main hall you will find the 300 m2 Foyer where, for example a coffee break or a lunch can take place during your event.\r\nThe Hôtel de la Poste is located between the Sheds and the Gare Maritime.\r\nAre you ready to discover a newly renovated building of Tour & Taxis?", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "1100", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "4000", "diner_capacity_max": "3000", "cocktail_capacity_max": "5000", "seminar_capacity_max": "4000", "auditorium_capacity_max": "3000", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.tour-taxis.com", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275978", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:14", "deleted": "1", "name": "Trammuseum", "street": "Tervurenlaan", "house_number": "364B", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1050", "city_name": "Elsene", "main_city_name": "Elsene", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "150437.71", "y": "167732.46", "lat": "50.8200272420486", "long": "4.37496324964355", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "", "website": "", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "1200", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "450", "cocktail_capacity_max": "800", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.trammuseumbrussels.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275979", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2024-03-28 08:54:02", "deleted": "0", "name": "Transfo", "street": "Transfostraat", "house_number": "3-15", "box_number": "B", "postal_code": "8550", "city_name": "Zwevegem", "main_city_name": "Zwevegem", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "leieStreek", "x": "78421.67999999999", "y": "167455.18", "lat": "50.81313734592423", "long": "3.353132736467193", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "INFORMATION_AVAILABLE", "phone1": "+32 56 76 55 70", "phone2": "+32 473 28 25 24", "phone3": "", "email": "info@transfozwevegem.be", "website": "http://www.transfozwevegem.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "350", "number_meeting_rooms": "0", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "0", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.transfozwevegem.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275328", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHEOLOGY", "changed_time": "2025-01-14 00:01:32", "deleted": "0", "name": "Uilenspiegelmuseum", "street": "Jacob van Maerlantstraat", "house_number": "3", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "8340", "city_name": "Damme", "main_city_name": "Damme", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "brugseOmmeland", "x": "74124.07000000001", "y": "216268.37", "lat": "51.2513155804894", "long": "3.282037704156041", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "050/28 86 10", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "uilenspiegelmuseum@damme.be", "website": "https://www.visitdamme.be/uilenspiegelmuseum", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "434", "number_meeting_rooms": "4", "theater_capacity_max": "140", "diner_capacity_max": "100", "cocktail_capacity_max": "200", "seminar_capacity_max": "45", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.toerismedamme.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275981", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "EDUCATIONAL_INSTITUTION", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:20", "deleted": "1", "name": "Universiteit Hasselt - 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It is surrounded by dunes and located close to the sandy beach and the sea.\r\nTer Helme offers all modern comforts and facilities for business meetings, family stays and youth gatherings. Guests can choose between a flat, a studio, a standard room, or a dormitory, all equipped with bathroom.\r\nFreshly prepared meals are provided in a gastronomic restaurant or in a brand new self-service restaurant, where the menu varies daily, .\r\nTer Helme is well equipped with a children’s playground and outdoor sports amenities. Ter Helme is wheelchair accessible. \r\nOur major strengths are our ideal location and our customer service. We tailor make arrangements to measure and our team are happy to speak in English.\r\nWe hope to welcome you soon in Ter Helme!\r\n\"", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "300", "number_meeting_rooms": "5", "theater_capacity_max": "100", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "0", "seminar_capacity_max": "80", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275972", "information_group": "POINT_OF_INTEREST", "discriminator": "BUILDING", "sub_type": "HISTORICAL_BUILDING", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:18:17", "deleted": "1", "name": "Vaudeville Theater", "street": "Koninginnegalerij", "house_number": "13", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "150476.5", "y": "171609.33", "lat": "50.85486946756131", "long": "4.375531242458198", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 359 92 40", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@chou.be", "website": "http://chou.be/fr/espace_theatreduvaudeville.html", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "So why not choose... An elegant Royal Gallery ?\r\n\r\nThe elegant Vaudeville Theatre has a legendary place in Brussels life and its collective memory. It was inaugurated in 1884 and is now listed as a historic monument. A recent face-lift has returned it to its former glory.\r\n\r\nThis theatre is a very flexible venue combining elegant 19th century style with all the advantages of modern technology. A system allowing the seats to be stored under the stage makes it possible to take full advantage of the theatre stalls for a seated dinner, a fashion show with a catwalk...\r\n\r\nIts location in the middle of the magnificent 'Galerie de la Reine' Arcade makes it a sought after venue at the heart of the historic city, not far from the Grand-Place. A charming B&B next door can provide a perfect end to a successful evening event.", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "300", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "265", "diner_capacity_max": "200", "cocktail_capacity_max": "350", "seminar_capacity_max": "200", "auditorium_capacity_max": "265", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://chou.be/en/venue_theatreduvaudeville.html", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275982", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "FOOD_DRINKS", "sub_type": "RESTAURANT", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:15", "deleted": "1", "name": "Venetiaanse en Koninklijke Gaanderijen", "street": "Albert I-Promenade", "house_number": "75", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "8400", "city_name": "Oostende", "main_city_name": "Oostende", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kust", "x": "48009.18", "y": "214260.29", "lat": "51.22924816741752", "long": "2.908654566275943", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "059/513171", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "Restaurant@savarin.be", "website": "www.savarin.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Gastronomic restaurant and meeting space", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "450", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "180", "diner_capacity_max": "200", "cocktail_capacity_max": "350", "seminar_capacity_max": "120", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.savarin.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275985", "information_group": "SERVICE", "discriminator": "CONGRESS_CENTRE", "sub_type": "MEETING_LOCATION", "changed_time": "2019-06-06 11:11:44", "deleted": "1", "name": "Villattitude", "street": "Waterloosesteenweg", "house_number": "1020", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1180", "city_name": "Ukkel", "main_city_name": "Ukkel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "150432.04", "y": "165581.74", "lat": "50.8006930977787", "long": "4.3748799792847", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 374 93 63", "phone2": "+32 479 47 07 03", "phone3": "", "email": "nathalie@villattitude.be", "website": "www.villattitude.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "0", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "60", "diner_capacity_max": "100", "cocktail_capacity_max": "150", "seminar_capacity_max": "60", "auditorium_capacity_max": "60", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "www.villattitude.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275326", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "HISTORY", "changed_time": "2024-04-23 10:13:03", "deleted": "0", "name": "War Heritage Institute – Site Koninklijk Legermuseum ", "street": "Jubelpark", "house_number": "3", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1000", "city_name": "Brussel", "main_city_name": "Brussel", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "151578.63", "y": "170027.31", "lat": "50.84064617151704", "long": "4.391175683273892", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 (0)2 737 78 33", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@warheritage.be", "website": "https://www.legermuseum.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Relive a thousand years of military history from the middle ages’ armour to the F-16! Discover the world famous collections and our temporary exhibitions. You get a unique panorama from the arcades. \nSince 1 May 2017, the Koninklijk Legermuseum has been part of the War Heritage Institute, the new institution for military heritage and remembrance in Belgium.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "1500", "number_meeting_rooms": "8", "theater_capacity_max": "60", "diner_capacity_max": "1000", "cocktail_capacity_max": "2780", "seminar_capacity_max": "200", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.klm-mra.be", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275992", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:19", "deleted": "1", "name": "WIELS", "street": "Van Volxemlaan", "house_number": "354", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "1190", "city_name": "Vorst", "main_city_name": "Vorst", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "147000.21", "y": "167912.1", "lat": "50.82162704446765", "long": "4.326192827979269", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 340 00 50", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "event@wiels.org", "website": "www.wiels.org", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Wiels Event Rentals\r\n\r\nWiels, Brussels major Contemporary Art Centre, offers you the unique opportunity to use its newly renovated spaces for your events.\r\n\r\nThis exceptional location can accomodate a large variety of events : cocktail parties, dinners, press conferences, fashion shoots, seminars and workshops,… In each case, we also give you the opportunity to combine your event with an exclusive visit of our contemporary art exhibitions. More information about the expositions can be found on our site www.wiels.org\r\n\r\nPlease view the brochure (+link to broch) and send us your demand to Michael Dewit, event@wiels.org.\r\n\r\ndon’t hesitate to contact us for a meeting that we can overview together which are the best possibilities to organise your event.", "diner_venue": "1", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "90", "number_meeting_rooms": "4", "theater_capacity_max": "200", "diner_capacity_max": "220", "cocktail_capacity_max": "300", "seminar_capacity_max": "200", "auditorium_capacity_max": "50", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.wiels.org", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275996", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ART_GALLERY", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:22", "deleted": "1", "name": "Young Gallery", "street": "Louizalaan", "house_number": "75", "box_number": "b", "postal_code": "1050", "city_name": "Elsene", "main_city_name": "Elsene", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadBrussel", "x": "149162.62", "y": "169307.22", "lat": "50.8341832796999", "long": "4.35686464830588", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 2 359 92 40", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@chou.be", "website": "http://chou.be/en/venue_younggallery.html", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "Why not choose... A private viewing?\r\n\r\nPascal Young opened his first gallery in the year 2000. In each of his exhibitions he presents collections of photographs selected for their formal qualities and their contemporary spirit.\r\n\r\nHe set up the Young Gallery at the Conrad Hotel in 2005. It is possible to organise all types of events there so your guests are able to discover his latest exhibition. In the heart of the capital the Young Gallery only puts on shows by international artists of great quality whose work will never leave you indifferent.\r\n\r\nNothing more seductive and original than creating an event with art as the backdrop...", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "200", "number_meeting_rooms": "1", "theater_capacity_max": "0", "diner_capacity_max": "80", "cocktail_capacity_max": "120", "seminar_capacity_max": "50", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "0", "mice_contact_website": "http://chou.be/nl/zaal_younggallery.html", "special_meeting_venue": "0" }, { "business_product_id": "275284", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "MUSEUM", "sub_type": "ARCHEOLOGY", "changed_time": "2025-01-14 00:01:21", "deleted": "0", "name": "Zeilschip Mercator", "street": "Mercatordok", "house_number": "1", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "8400", "city_name": "Oostende", "main_city_name": "Oostende", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kust", "x": "49533.6355679599", "y": "212710.827734536", "lat": "51.2161285", "long": "2.929598", "green_key_labeled": "0", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "059 70 11 999", "phone2": "+32 473 59 08 43", "phone3": "", "email": "mercator@toerisme-oostende.be", "website": "http://www.visitoostende.be/mercator", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "From 1932 until 1960, the Mercator served as a training vessel for the officers of the Belgian merchant navy. Now, it is anchored in Oostende, where its authentic interior provides the perfect location for a nautical museum, a floating treasure room filled with objects collected during its long journeys. At regular intervals, it leaves port to partake in major sailing shows. In 2007, the Mercator has celebrated his 75th birthday.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "100", "number_meeting_rooms": "2", "theater_capacity_max": "45", "diner_capacity_max": "0", "cocktail_capacity_max": "60", "seminar_capacity_max": "0", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.zeilschip-mercator.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" }, { "business_product_id": "275948", "information_group": "ACTIVITY", "discriminator": "ATTRACTION_OR_ANIMAL_PARK", "sub_type": "ANIMAL_PARK", "changed_time": "2020-06-02 17:59:11", "deleted": "1", "name": "Zoo Planckendael", "street": "Leuvensesteenweg", "house_number": "582", "box_number": "", "postal_code": "2800", "city_name": "Mechelen", "main_city_name": "Mechelen", "distance": "", "promotional_region": "kunststadMechelen", "x": "160683.1214106996", "y": "187976.879023239", "lat": "51.002453", "long": "4.519678", "green_key_labeled": "1", "accessibility_label": "", "phone1": "+32 15 41 49 21", "phone2": "", "phone3": "", "email": "info@kmda.org", "website": "http://www.planckendael.be", "facebook": "", "twitter": "", "flickr": "", "instagram": "", "product_description": "ZOO Planckendael is so much more than a just a zoo. You can admire exotic animals, take an adventurous trip over hanging bridges, or stroll beneath the tree tops in this 40 hectare domain. There is loads of space for playing children, playing animals and meandering visitors.", "diner_venue": "0", "distance_airport_min": "0", "distance_railway_station_south_min": "0", "surface_exhibition_space": "748", "number_meeting_rooms": "3", "theater_capacity_max": "650", "diner_capacity_max": "475", "cocktail_capacity_max": "700", "seminar_capacity_max": "650", "auditorium_capacity_max": "0", "free_choice_catering": "1", "mice_contact_website": "http://www.planckendael.be", "special_meeting_venue": "1" } ]
Source type
Special venues, mice, meeting, congress, meetingplanner
Geographic context